Baby or Doll Quilts?

Baby Doll the making. Still need to stitch the binding down on these two. That's busy work to do when there is a good movie on TV.

Don't look beyond the little quilt.....that's just other projects pinned to my design board!

and here is the back of it.

This one actually started out being the back of the first quilt pictured.....but I decided it was a quilt in its own right! Added straight line quilting and voila! Another little quilt!


  1. How very pretty! I just love the colors in the first image.

  2. Lovely. I'm still amazed how you can have a small bit of patchwork and then the quilting can make it come alive like you last one. When do we get to see the sneak peak one?

  3. hey there, came across on you on a search for "fabric cards" your blog - lots of great ideas.


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