A cat's meow

The day started on a sad note.  If you follow my blog, you know that our house is the one that every stray eventually finds.  And while we have no more bed space for an inside cat,  every year we change out the bedding and order up a supply of flea/tick stuff for the necks of any outside drifters and take those we can to the vet for attention.    The Walmart list looks something like this:  1.  milk  2. outside cat food 3.  bread   4. inside cat food 5.  bananas 6. toilet tissue 7. dish soap....and the list goes on!  And this week, I've been dragging out early to be sure the ice is broken on their water bowls so they can have a fresh drink after breakfast. 

We've had three regular boarders for the past year and I've gotten quite attached.  The black cat was my biggest challenge to date.  I told you about him here - boy what a day!  And gave you the follow up of that event here.  And  used his picture here.   He eventually became one of my most avid fans.  Every time I went out, he followed me around like a little lost puppy, so eager for his chin rub and bit of conversation.  Then when he tired of my chatter, off he would go to a shady spot to watch as I worked.  I always knew he was close by.  Until last week....he started roaming and wouldn't be back for breakfast.  Since he was a young male and we couldn't figure how to get him to the vet.....well, you know....I guessed what he was looking for!  But this morning when I saw him, I knew something was wrong.  He was being too still in the flower bed...it was too cold and he should have been in his bed.  When I called for help....my dread was confirmed.   He didn't appear to have been in a fight or to have been hit by a vehicle, so he must have been sick.  We'll never know.

What I do know is that we did our darnedest for him and yes, I know others will follow so I will continue to put "outside cat food" on the Walmart list and welcome any stranger to come on into the garden and stay awhile.    Farewell black cat...you were my friend....if only for a little while.  Now, the eulogy is said and my tears are shed.


  1. So sorry black kitty is gone. But yes, there are always lots more cats looking for someone to love and care for them. All of our cats have been "opportunity" cats... someone else's cast-off that we fell in love with. "Wishy" was our darling for 14 years even though I told my kids, "We are NOT keeping a cat! Well, she CAN'T come in the house!" Famous last words... both things happened and I am so thankful they did. When the kids flew the nest Wishy was my sewing companion. I still miss her, but now we have 3 others... an adopted mother cat and 2 of her grown kittens. All are fixed; all are loved.

  2. It's alway sad to lose a friend.

    Sympathetic Hugs,

  3. Sorry to hear about your loss - cats have their very own way to find their way to our hearts. How lovely to put "outside cat food" on the grocery's list !!!


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