Gathering Flowers

I missed her birthday
July 19, 1942 
Yesterday would have been her 70th
  She passed away many years ago at a much younger age than was her right to do,
 but the choice wasn't in her hands. 

What was in her hands was what she did with her life 
 While we disagreed on  many things, we did agree that to sit idle was not an option
 We both had such energy that had to put into something
but that energy had to be used - used to think or read or create....teach, ride horses, run, skip rope, dance or gather flowers from the garden. 

I gathered flowers from my garden this morning
 and thought about my sister.


  1. Marty, what a poignant and touching tribute to your sister, when we lose loved ones, it's a huge gap in our soul.

    Beautiful flowers in remembrance of her.

    Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams

  2. Many Hugs, Marty.



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