Playing Favorites ~

Yes, we do.  We have our favorites.  I have my favorites.  I have a favorite car....dress....shoe....
I have a favorite room
A favorite picture
and recipe
A favorite movie
A favorite tree and flower.
I even have a favorite way to bind a quilt
 knit a scarf
hem a skirt
and make the bed.
I have a favorite color
coffee mug 
and pajamas. 
I have a favorite toothpaste
toilet tissue
way to have fun
fruit salad.
Playing favorites?  Yes, I do.    That's what I'm thinking this morning as I decided on how to complete my Quilteroo's Fruit Salad Challenge Quilt.   The final words on the official rules is "Keep it fruity and make it fun."    It has to be in the hands of Quilteroo's Quilt Shop by June 15 and I only picked up the challenge bag yesterday!  So, it goes without saying that this will be my favorite challenge of the day -    "Keeping it fruity and making it fun." 



  1. I don't even know where mine is.........I wonder if I can even find it? Good luck on yours.......

    1. I think Kristi S. has a challenge package also. Wonder if she's working on it. Must call.


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