I'll come back to rename this post....just give me a minute ~

I don't mean to do it.  When I set out to follow instructions, I really want to follow along, but sometimes there are minor distractions along the way!

Case in point:  I've been making the Gen X Sisters' Ten blocks of the month.....starting in January, finishing the blocks in October....two each month, using my blue linen as the background fabric in all 20 blocks to compliment the Kaffe Fassett and Brandon Mabley fabrics I used in each block.   

BUT....this month, when I downloaded the quilt layout instructions, I measured and re-measured my blue linen fabric.  Moaning and groaning, I measured again just to be sure I was right.  Well, HELLo,  I obviously didn't read all the instructions about how much fabric might be needed to complete the quilt top way back in January.  I DID NOT have enough blue linen. 

You've heard it said before, when you can't change the situation, then re-think the way you think about it.  And, so I did.  I've had a piece of white linen in my fabric stash and have been wondering how I could use it.  Well, today is the day.  I did a happy dance and  merrily went about completing my quilt top.  Admittedly, it is just a tad smaller than the instructions, but you know about fabric limitations by now!  It finished out at a very nice size:  48" x 60".  I'm lovin' it.



 and then, continuing along with my diatribe about my inability to follow instructions. 

When in New Orleans last month, I caught a glimpse of a Victoria Findley Wolfe quilt in the Better Homes and Gardens "Make It Modern" quilt magazine. 

I assured myself that with my photowhatsit memory, I would remember how to make this one once I got home.  Well, you've guessed it already; however, I did find the magazine in a local shop and did a happy dance, merrily set about making my quilt in the same style as! 

Almost.....While Victoria's design called for two slightly different 9-patch blocks, I didn't catch that until I had my 25 blocks already made.  But that's okay, I liked my mix-breed 9-patches.  But what I didn't like was the busy-ness of the Anna Maria Horner Field Study fabric in the bottom panel.  Oh, yes, I do love all of her fabrics, but just not in this quilt so I ripped and substituted a Bali shot cloth for the 18" block but left the AMH field study in the four 6" squares. 

All done, and yes, I'm lovin' it.   Sometimes it just feels good when I don't follow the leader. Perhaps tomorrow I'll be more attentive. 

A Victoria Findley Wolfe look-alike by Marty Mason


  1. Suggested title ... Changes!

    Love the change to replace the blue linen ... which could become a very interesting place to showcase the quilting. It could also be the great divide between two sets of blocks with different backgrounds.

  2. Great ideas....I especially like the idea to use this split layout to showcase blocks of two different backgrounds. Must try this with some of my orphan blocks.


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