I'm So Full of IT - Publishing That Is

IT is something new. IT is sometimes a mistake. IT is usually a challenge. IT is fun. I'm so full of ITs that I'm losing the fear of having an IT.

One of my ITs was publishing my very own blog. IT has been both a challenge and fun....definitely not a mistake.

Another IT has been to get pictures of my fabric cards "Pretty Ladies in Smart Hats" published in a calendar. I used Shutterfly. That service makes it so easy. Hey, just the beginning of my new career!!! I also had another calendar made picturing my thread painted trees. What! I had a coupon to get a free calendar. Well, yes, I had to pay postage. Should have waited until they offered free postage...But, then you know, can't do what you should have done. What the heck.

With this success, I moved on. I had a book published with pics of my sister's children and grandchildren. This is going to be a Valentine Day's surprise, so don't tell!

Marty - Creative Designer and Tom - Director of Photography

P.S. I no longer have the long red fingernails and he no longer has the very trim torso, we no longer work at 'the farm' but we both still have the same peace, or peaceful, or peace-be-with-you-attitude.

What's the big deal. Have an IT day. Here's hoping I do. TaDa...

1 comment:

  1. Hi Marty!

    You have really developed a knack for dealing with "it"! I'm still trying to learn to not let "it" bother me and just to flow easily into "Plan B".

    Your calendars are wonderful and I know your sister will absolutely LOVE the book of photos. Of course, my favorite is the pic of the editor and director of photography! :)



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