I Just Created A Blog!!

Well, well, I just did it!! I created my blogspot. Setting up a blog was very high on my "Things To Do List." Hopefully in this lifetime I can get my space more personalized.

I usually DON'T make profound statements. Not much of a deep thinker. I do have a few favorite words. 'Sheer bliss' for example. Or how about 'multi-tasking'. Not that I can do this very well, but it's fun to say to friends so they think I am one busy person to get all things done.

Okay, so who am I. I am a quilter. Started out doing the usual traditional quilts. And, while I still love to make the big bed quilts, they often bore me. I diversified into art quilts, then went to fabric post cards. The restrictive post card size was too much to deal with, so I now make "fabric cards". Size is whatever they happen to be. I'll get pictures of my fabric cards posted as soon as I figure out how to do that. Baby steps here....

ACEO's are also very fun to do. All of my fabric cards and art quilts are original, one-of-a-kind design.

I'm so happy for the new year. Life has been good to me and I'm hopeful will continue to be.

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