Up A Tree Without A Ladder

He went to church yesterday, I went to Walmart. Guess who had the best morning.

Up a tree without a ladder. On some days, this is just the way I feel. But like Snoopy and unlike the little yellow chirper, I don't have wings. No, not today, I just won't let it happen. I'm going to think through to what the consequences may be before I act. Husband dear is saying, yeah, very likely...right! sure! I won't hold my breath. (Oh, you of little faith)

I've recently been seeing "Donate" buttons on web pages and was thinking of asking for donations for a design wall for my sewing room. Consequence of receiving this donation...well, my space is not large enough, so I would have to remodel the house to accommodate coveted design wall. OK, forget the donate button. I'll just continue to spread a bed sheet on the floor and spread my quilt blocks down for audition. Works well most of the time.

Here's my red quilt blocks I've been working on. Once I'm pleased with the placement, I just pin a number order on each block.

I found some fabric for the backing for this yet unfinished red quilt, got it washed and seamed to fit the 50" ish size quilt I was going to make. Well, guess what, I've decided to enlarge red quilt to a 70" ish size. Now I have a backing that doesn't fit a quilt that's not in my design head and I have an almost finished red quilt with no backing!! Shoulda thought that one through!! One step forward...

But now, here I've made progress. A finished coin quilt top and a backing the right size ready to be quilted. I'm loving the moment. Take a look at a quilt is nice blogspot. She is the champ at coin quilts. I love all the white in her quilts so the other day I bought 6 yards of white, then had to go back for 6 more. Are you getting the idea you may be seeing more white in my quilts?

More later, I hear outside yellow cat calling my name for breakfast. And I'm hungry too.



  1. why don't you piece your back to fit? I love how a backing looks when it is pieced. I usually try to use up the leftover blocks and pieces from the top.

  2. Marty,
    You need to remodel the house to fit the design wall in ....................... so just get a bigger doantion button!
    Judy B

  3. Hey, you both have a great idea. May try both... piecing the back to fit would be more practical, but wouldn't it be fun to get a new fit-to-size sewing room. I might even build in space for the coveted light box for greater pictures for the blog..of well.


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