Is it Tuesday? Already?

Is it Tuesday? Already? I blinked and Monday was over. Errand and out of the car all morning. And, I had to stop and do my exercises for M-day...yes, the dreaded mammogram will be early Friday morning. Gotta get busy preparing NOW, 'cause I'm never ready.

When dear is out of the house, I can get so much done. Up early, bed made, white clothes on to wash...almost ready for the dryer. Email sent to favorite niece of the day...Happy Birthday Cortney....It's your day, enjoy it. Binding stitched to one to do the hand stitching.

I am so far behind on my hand work...decided to join a group, lovingly called the Tuesday Bees. This little mini-group may not be quite so mini....they printed their very own Tuesday Bees Telephone Directory and my name is now penciled in.

They have been extending an invitation to me for soooo long, but I have resisted. But now that I am so far behind on my hand work, decided to join in their fun. Quilts are actually quite portable and can be worked on any where!!! even at Tuesday Bee gatherings. Last week I completed the binding on a quilt and have one ready to take with me today. My bag is packed. (of course, I made it!)
Hugs for now especially to you dearest....I missed my good morning hug so here it is......

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