Dis Dat or D'Udda

My computer is slower than I am this morning. It's as if it is bogged down in mud. Hope this is not an omen of what's to come. Just in case, I thought I better get some heavy blogging done.

So, being a huge Dr. John fan, this blog is simply about Dis Dat or D'Udda. Here goes. Song #1

True to my word, I continue to be a quilter. The weather just hasn't cooperated lately for me to get some outside pictures. It's been so windy this spring that the quilts just sway in the breeze (and look lovely), but the pictures come out very sway-in-the-breeze looking also. And then the tree shadows....I have about a 30 minute window of opportunity to get out of the shadows. And then there are the too bright days or the too cloudy days...and oh my so many rain days. So, imperfect as these shots are, here is one finished quilt.

And another.....

Beginning of song #2...Well, of course, I continue to make purses. Purse making truly is addictive. I'm loving this pattern...obviously...'cause here's two and the fabric cut for the third one. I think this one will be my "Marrakesh" shoulder bag. I found the big button to use as the closure the other day at Hobby Lobby. Just right for this big 12" x 12" jewel.

This aqua lining was just perfect to bring out the blue in the predominately brown floral.

And here is the work in progress...
Found this little rusty/red check for the lining.

Song #3 is a sad song, 'cause for now, sew time and blog time is over. These 30 bales of pine straw have been under cover for two weeks now. See, the neighbor's cat has already declared it the best mattress in town.

And since kitty just put up a "do not disturb" sign...dearest announced that today is the day!! I'm feeling the pain already.

So, hugs while I still can...Marty


  1. Those quilts are great. I especially love the contrast in the top quilt.

    Strange, but I have been quilting to Dr. John music the past couple of weeks. It has been quite inspirational.

  2. Thanks...I have just recently started using more white in my scrap quilts...and am loving it too. Of course, Dr. John hasn't lived in Louisiana for years, but I still like to think his talent is Louisiana inspired.

    Thanks for your visit.

  3. Not sure if it's the photo or the fabric but both quilts look great with that shiny (sthing) look.

  4. Hi, Zarina, and thanks to you from way over there in Malaysia...It was such a bright sunny day here in Louisiana, that I think it must be the sun glare.


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