It's The Little Things

Sometimes it just the little things that work the hardest. Such as this little item...I'm using it more than I would enjoy admitting. Oh, well

No shame in admitting when one needs help

with our little scissors - can't have just one. Each one has its very own task. No, that's something dearest doesn't understand. (But then I only use one screwdriver...he has one for every task!!!) I have threatened him with his life if I see him cutting even the smallest piece of paper or string or duct tape...OH NO

And then there is all kinds of writing/drawing tools -
Graphite sticks

And pigma ink pens

Here are the little brads I hope to put to good use in making my picture books...copper and bronze and gold and silver and gunmetal - what a fun array to add pizazz

And can't forget the paint brushes. These are beginning to work very hard - a new tool and a real stretch for me.

And spools and spools of ribbon and yarn

I used almost all these little items to make this little tag. Hope you like it. Remember to click on the picture to enlarge this little thing...

I enjoy all your comments....don't be shy.

Have yourself a happy little Saturday.

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