Meet Sara, Laura and Barb

My newest best friends...please meet Sara
Sara was having a wee problem, so I had to put her to bed. She very strongly resembled Laura and Barb.

And Laura

And cute little Barb

Aren't these the most delightful cone flower lassies - and they stay so busy holding our large cones of thread and bobbins too. Find them and more at Paul's Metal Petals. A shopping we shall go, a shopping we shall go, high ho.........a shopping we shall go!


  1. What can I say, except, "TOO CUTE!" So much more distinctive than the plain-ole-ordinary cone holder I have!!


  2. Feedsack Fantasy5/15/2009 10:27 AM

    That is clever ... never seen one like this before.

    TTFN ~ Marydon

  3. Aren't they just the best. And they are quite heavy so will just sit all day and hold our thread!And a nice ta ta for now back at you...


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