Northeast Louisiana Quilt Guild

We had a riotous day at the Sunshine Chapter meeting yesterday...but I have no pictures to prove it. I need to tie the camera around my ankle so it will always be with me. Even after my 100th post, I am still not adept at diarying my day by photos. I must repeat after me...a picture tells a story....a picture speaks a thousand words...a picture says it all...or something like this.

The excitement is continuing to build. National quilt teacher and author of Smashing Sets for Sampler Blocks, Margaret Miller, will be in Monroe June 5-6 for a two-day workshop. We quilters have already saved the days and are now busily gathering supplies and sets of quilt blocks. A description of the workshop and supply list can be found on Margaret's web page. What a thrill to have such a talent come to help us with some powerful quilt arrangements. In addition to the two days of hands-on help, she has a two hour lecture planned for Friday night June 5 from 7-9. The lecture is not limited to guild members only. Sure hope lots of interested folks out there will join us to enjoy Margaret's quilting experiences.

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