The Blue Dog - Blue Monday

Happy day and Blue Monday to you. Smiling Sally happily hosts Blue Monday and I love participating. Today I share my trio of New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival posters by Louisiana artist George Rodrique that feature his "Blue Dog".

First is Mr. Blue Dog introducing Al Hirt...

And here he is patiently waiting for Louie Armstrong and Pete Fountain to stop posing and start tooting their horns!

To read more of Rodrique's journey, view The Art of George Rodrique.
Happy day....Marty


  1. We love Jazz Fest. I grew up listening to Pete Fountain and Al Hirt! And I absolutely adore Satchmo! Love your posters. Thanks for sharing these with us.

    I have one poster, but it's an abstract in pastel colors (actually there is some blue in it), and I treasure it. These are truly special with those jazz greats!

    Thanks for sharing and Happy Blue Monday...


    Sheila :-)

  2. Great posters of a few jazz greats! Happy Blue Monday ~ Susan

  3. What marvelous posters! Thank you for sharing them with us. Have a wonderful day.

  4. What great posters to own and enjoy! Happy Blue Monday!

  5. These are really great posters... we only have opera posters here. Lovely blues all around.

  6. Great jazz posters.

  7. I am a fan of this artist. I love his older landscape pieces. I was lucky enough to run across his exhibit at the New Orleans Museum of Art the last time I was there. Now if I can actually ever make it to Jazz Fest, I will be pleased.

    Thanks so much for your comment on my blog. I keep wanted to pick up Eat Pray Love, but I keep putting it down. I find it hard to read while it is still light outside.

  8. Please come back and leave a comment. I love your blues.

  9. THANK YOU! I haven't seen "Blue Dog" in some time and never knew Blue Dog posed with magicians. I'm delighted

  10. Howdy
    Oh how I love these artists.
    They are each wonderful .
    What fabulous posters .
    Happy Blue Monday to you .
    I was lucky enough to be helping out as a volunteer one year where Al Hirt was the guest.
    He was delighful and polite to everyone.
    He was so humble and down to earth which was a great suprise.
    Have a blessed week.

  11. Hi Marty, Love those Jazz players. Great blues and a fun post.


  12. great jazz musicians I love to sit back and listen to jazz


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