Rooster Sketches and Journals

I have self-imposed HECTIC in my life lately. So many ideas zipping in and out of my mind. I usually awaken early and have a clear idea in my head of what project I want to start and/or finish. HECTIC has not only affected my ability to blog, but my ability to start and/or finish a project. So beginning today, I banish self-imposed HECTIC.

And here are some things to be finished. I finally got around to making these pot holders. But I want to add grommets. The grommets are in the house....but not yet on the potholders.

blank space (where photo should be posted)

You don't see a picture of a potholder??? I don't either - HECTIC - apparently prevented me from including them in my photo taking session yesterday. Must now get grommets installed and pictures taken of completed pot holders.

I taught myself to make a journal cover Sunday.

I first painted some cotton duck fabric. After it dried, I cut to size and ironed on freezer paper to run through my printer. Printed out this precious picture of my great niece, Maysen-Grace, on the painted fabric, then surrounded it with black linen to make the fabric piece large enough to cover the journal. I will be going to visit them next weekend and plan to take this as a gift to my sister. (Please, if you see her, don't spill the beans.)

I continue....I wanted to make another journal cover, but by Monday morning, could not remember how I made the one Sunday. Within 24 hours I had allowed HECTIC to empty me. Had to teach myself all over again. I did write the steps down this time. What a novel idea!! Here's my second journal cover.

And on the remaining length of the painted cotton duck, I printed out my little rooster sketches. I think these will be neat put into a purse or journal cover or even framed. They are all for sale at $10 each. Email for payment and shipping information.

Have a peace filled day.

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