A Blog with No Pictures!

A local commercial has had me thinking for the past couple of days.

Scenario: Young couple sitting on stools in kitchen talking about how well a local flooring company has made their home construction project a snap. He brags about how the company helped them put together the floors, the drapes, etc...etc...etc...etc...until she finally interrupts him to tell us that the bathroom is her favorite room in her new house. Okay, this is what gets me thinking?? A bathroom - the favorite room?? I love that my house has indoor plumbing, but a favorite room?

My, my, I say to self....they should have spent more money on the den. OR, invested in an outdoor fan for the back porch. I'm sure their new house has a screened in back porch! Where else could they sit and enjoy a morning cup of coffee or an early evening glass of wine? On the toilet?

Does the bathroom have a large window to view the butterflies and hummingbirds? Perhaps that's the key - that's why her bathroom is the favorite room in her house.

I'm still thinking....what type personality would love her bathroom more than the sewing room? I'm sure her new house has a room for just plain ole fun. Doesn't it?
Oh, yes, silly me...she said it's her bathroom!

I wonder if her bathroom has lots and lots of mirrors. Does it have a sunken tub with spa jets? Recent article tells me that we should only stay in tub no longer than four minutes to keep our skin from drying. Wonder if she and I read the same articles. Do I need to tell her that she'll be looking like a prune come fifty if she continues to favor the bathroom over the kitchen.

I'm continuing to think...she and I both need to get a life!! We are both obsessing over something that doesn't amount to a hill of beans. I hope I don't see this commercial again for a few days. Perhaps by then I'll have something else to keep my mind occupied. A blog with no pictures. Is it really possible?


  1. LOL.. Of course its her favorite room in her house. She is getting paid big bucks to say so. . . or at least some bucks. :))
    My favorite room in our house is our sunroom. If I cant be outside at least I can feel like I am outside.

  2. The BEANS piled up there ... chuckle! You are so funny.

    Any room with a window is my favorite place, I have to have light, can't be in dark places.

    TTFN ~Marydon

  3. Lol, too funny! I don't care how nice a bathroom is... I am not hanging out any longer than I have to!

  4. Perhaps she has a cutting table, sewing machine and her fabric stash in there. At least it probably has a privacy lock, important if you wan ta few minutes uninterupted sewing time!

  5. Hi, Virtualquilter...of course...that's it. On one shelf are towels, another shelf holds fabric...one holds her toiletries, another her iron and scissors! I'm loving it!!


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