Felted Knit Purse

I knitted this purse ages ago, but just yesterday put it in the washing machine to felt it. What took me so long???? Who knows why I have so many loose ends around here. It just clutters my mind (that means my mind is disabled.)

Pictures are so deceiving....it measures 10" x 13".

A little adornment....I think this little pin will work just fine.

Thanks Calamity Kim for giving us this great tutorial on making this pin. I'm sure I can get this done by cold weather!!

I just lucked up on this knit purse pattern. Well, actually, it jumped out at me. I purchased Bernat Felting Natural Wool yarn and when I got it home, I noticed on the wrap around a little note that said Free Pattern On Label. And, sure enough on the back of the label was the free pattern. Nice. This makes me wonder how many more free patterns on yarn labels I have over-looked.

More wonderings later. Have a happy Saturday morning.


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