Mini Baskets

Mini Baskets
Originally uploaded by cornerstonelae

I found these on Flickr which led me to the Cornerstone Design Etsy Shop. You really need to go see.....
I love these mini baskets....AND can relate to the pain of making these little minis.

Post script - I didn't make these little mini bowls but certainly hope to add some of these to my project list. The instructions can be found on the American Sews site. They are made using cotton cording that is covered with strips of fabric, then zigzagged together. I've seen purses made with the covered cording also. A great look.

Seeing my little fabric nesting boxes increase in numbers was much, much fun - but very tedious! I obviously loved the process, since I have made three sets to date - and I'm probably not finished!
As THEY say, LOL!!

Set of fabric nesting boxes made with red check fabric....the smallest starts at 1" diameter and goes up to almost 3". Just add 1/4" increment to the next size until you get tired or run out of fabric!! I think these are the perfect "tooth fairy" boxes.


  1. The mini-baskets are sooo cute! I love the colors you used too:-)
    Big hugs from Synnoeve:-)

  2. These really are cute. Where can I find instructions?

  3. I wish I had made the mini baskets, but must give credit to Cornerstone Designs. They are lovely. I edited my blog today to clarify and give you furthr directions to her shop.

    I did make the fabric nesting boxes and hope to add more of these to my collection.


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