Christmas Gifts and More Musings

As I took down the Christmas tree yesterday, I paused to reminisce about Christmases past. It's a tree ornament now, but it was a gift tag in it's first life.

When my niece, Stephanie, was perhaps 6 years old, she gave me a Christmas mug with a packet of hot chocolate (I think). This little packet of potpourri was tied to the mug's handle. What is so delightful about all this - she had taken the price tag off the mug and turned it into a Christmas tag. There was enough space on the tag for her to write around the price to let me know it was to her "Aunt Mart" from her "Dear Stephanie". I cherish this little gift from two + decades ago. All those years ago and at such a young age, she was recycling!! I could learn a few things from her.....

All these December's and not a chip or crack.

I must have been very good this year. Look, Santa did leave me my large cone thread holder. This was #1 on my wish list. Should you covet one (or more) coneflowers, check out Paul's Metal Petals. Delightful.

Here's a wall hanging quilt gifted to one of my sisters. I love this fabric and unfortunately didn't buy enough of it. Let this be a lesson to me!

Made just one more pin. I did this as a favor to myself to help me relax after the hustle bustle involved in holiday shopping, visiting, gifting and eating.

2010 - I'm ready. I resolve.....

xxx's and ooo's


1 comment:

  1. G'morn, Marty ~ What a darling momento of yore & now a tree ornie ... memories are warm & alive. I love the cup ... & I LOVE the flower pin, that is gorgeous.

    Happy New Year,
    TTFN ~Marydon


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