Many steps to alter photos.....

I can literally sit for hours playing around with pictures and photoshop.

Yesterday afternoon was a great time to dibble around....too cold outside to garden...too overweight to go for ice cream...too lazy to go gym...too poor to go to mall, so I found a picture of two of my nieces and commenced to play.

I know it's an unlikely match, but next came a picture of the master's bedroom. Wasn't sure how this was going to churn, but what the heck...there's always an undo button in photoshop.

It was a little too messy so I painted over all the excess stuff.

Then layered the bed and the girls....and added this great burned paper texture.

Can you see the bed and pillows in the background? You really don't know it's the same picture, but I thought it added another element to the altered picture.

Next came the doodles and writing.
Now, aren't they pretty in this new setting.....Shannon and Kallie...they are the greatest!


  1. Darn, I can't see the photos at all. Just white squares! Drats!!!!
    Wish I could. Have a great day!

  2. I love it - and I do see the pillows on the bed. Inpirational as usual.

  3. hye! can i use the burnt paper for my magazine contest? hope so! thks a lot!


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