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I had a sew nice Sunday afternoon, so dinner was definitely not pre-planned. At the last minute, I decided to scramble up a few eggs, nuked a few slices of bacon, added toast and a serving of grits. Yes, we had breakfast for dinner!

While I was cleaning up, dearest went to clean the kitty toilet. He quickly came running back into the kitchen....he said he thought the litter box felt heavy, but realized the problem when a cat popped out! Poor kitty. I felt her pain.

I'm claustrophobic, so when I head to the bathroom - even though I want privacy - I don't close the door. And, without fail, huMAN starts to miss me and - blast it - there goes my private moment.

HuMAN and Finley are still in training. I think she'll learn the importance of privacy before her uncle does! I'm glad she forgot to close the door....this was a priceless moment I caught on film. She'll kill me when before she's 12!

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