Good and Bad (not news)

I've been good. Very busy sewing (again). This one was finished a few weeks ago, but I just got a picture today. You really must click on the photo, then enlarge, to get a good look.

But he's been cute when they put themselves into time out. Except I don't know what he did wrong. I'm still looking for something off the top shelf that's been broken. He's such a big lumbering ox...but so full of meows that say "I love you." His name is a stretch limo coming at you with his orange head lights and tail lights on!


  1. LOVE this quilt, Marty! The striped border and binding just make this SOOOO cute. I was wondering if you were managing to get any sewing done, or if you were just busy playing with photos... now I know!


  2. My DH is going WOWWWWWW! So am I. You do beautiful work, Marty.

    Love the 'stretch'.

    Have a great week.
    TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon

  3. Thanks and Thanks. Stretch and I awoke early so we could both be very good. I'll be sewing again today. Don't know Stretch's agenda yet!!

  4. This quilt just screams SPRING!!! Love it.

  5. I love that center fabric. And your top quilting with the hearts is beautifully done. Bravo.


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