Life is a Lark

There are flowers that bloom in every season, but I think the spring flowers are always the most welcomed. I found this huge iris on a busy avenue here in town. HuMan reluctantly pulled over to a curb long enough for me to get a few shots.

We continued on our journey and found this.....

My totally imaginative niece recycled these paper scraps into the suet holder so the birds could add new siding to their homes! What a colorful neighborhood she enjoys!

We love to visit her 'cause we know.....


  1. Marty, love your pics and your descriptions. I am hoping there are still Iris's blooming when I get back home.

  2. Thanks Ethel...hope your trip has been fun, but we are ready for you to be home too. I know your flowers...grass...and weeds are growing (probably as tall as your sweet grandson)!

  3. Great pictures and I LOVE the recycled papers. That is so cool. I have similar bird feeders and will be out there tomorrow with some construction materials for the birds. Wonderful idea!


  4. I LOVE that picture of the iris -- you could hang that on the wall just as it is!

  5. HOw nice of you to think of the birds this way...I bet they appreciate it mucho.


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