I'm In Love and Full of Dreams.....

I'm in love again today. Well, let me clarify....I'm always in love with the HuMAN and my family and am always dreaming of good things for them. But today I'm in love with what I got in the mail while on vacation. Malka's fabric is so enticing...just had to have some. Stitch In Dye has fabric that is just to dye for. Now I'm dreaming of how to put all these lovelies into quilts.

And, love continues to grow....I'm also in love with Karen's Asterick Quilt. Check this out over at Karen's fun-and-full-of-good-ideas Selvage Blog.

And, so love grows. See ya!


  1. Wow, what gorgeous colors! :) I look forward to seeing what you make with those!

  2. Thanks Marty! I think the Asterisk quilt would be stunning done with your new hand dyes!

  3. Marty,
    I'm so glad you like the fabric!

  4. I've no doubt you will turn these into beautiful quilt(s). Have fun! Yes, I understand that kind of being in love.

  5. Oh, Marty, how I need time for an Asterisk Quilt.
    Hugs & ♥♥♥s,


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