{echo} Week 17 - Market

As if I didn't already have enough fun in my life.....I just joined the {echo} Flickr group hosted by Susan and Chrysti.

Autumn was looking for a partner - as was I - so this {echo} partnership should be a creative journey.

Interesting that this week's topic is market and that I just got back from a trip to Canada where I took this picture of a marketplace in Quebec City's old town. The language there is predominantly French so the signs made for interesting pictures. We spoke a different language, but wore the same style clothing!

Well, of course, I took the liberty to alter my picture with my Photoshop tools. A gal's gotta play while the playing is good!

And here is Autumn's market picture - oh what a delight her market interpretation is. Oh yes....she plays in Photoshop too!


  1. What lovely images. It's so much fun to see what you have done with them. The market is definitely one to frame and hang. :)

  2. Wonderful! Love what you did with these -- especially the pencil drawing.


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