Improv(E) my quilter's butt: the saga continues!

My week started out like this:

Saturday - bike 7 miles

Sunday - walk 3 miles

Monday - walk and bike 3.1 and 4 miles

Tuesday - walk 3 miles

Wednesday - didn't walk or bike...but did have a wonderful car trip to Dallas with a friend....the trip also included Thursday. Back late last night.

Friday - I know late arrivals are no excuse for me to still be in my pj's....butt!
I've promised myself to get out NOW!

But hey....20.1 total miles is not a bad deal for this ole gal! The butt may not be as wide, but the brain is more narrow..I just realized that the mileage log begins on Sunday....ends Saturday. I'll try really hard to get with the tracking program!

1 comment:

  1. Keep up the good work, Marty! However, this all sounds like a lot of sweating to me! My "butt" thinks AC is really good right now... especially with the 100+ temps we are having. Keep cool!



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