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I don't like to do a lot of advertising on my fun blog, but could not resist shouting out about the Pepsi Refresh Project. Pepsi is giving all of us a chance to submit ideas for projects in several different categories. Categories such as education, arts and culture, health, neighborhood, and more. Then, we get a chance to vote - up to 10 votes each day - for projects we would like to see get the grant money. Lots of money - $l.3 million....and they are doing this every month. July is almost over, but there is still time to view the site, sign up and

Someone will win this money. It may go to projects that are dear to your heart.

Seeker Springs, a nonprofit community center in our little neighborhood, was among the top ten to win $50,000 in July. What a boost to help area children. And all we had to do was vote. And we can do it again in August. Put Pepsi Refresh Projects in your favorites bar so you won't forget.

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