I won....I won....

Everything was so beautifully wrapped, I was reluctant to open...but only for a second!

Let's see...how did this begin. Gerry and I visit back and forth on our blogspots. And one day, she decided to change her music. I loved her music just the way it was, but fell in love with her French music and told her so. Anyway, being the generous person that she is, she decided to give 'stuff' away that was very frenchy-frenchy. I entered the contest and lol, won this whole bundle of goodies. There was a made-by-GerryArt bag, bookmarks, journal and a book/box - all frenchy-frenchy style. Such joy she gave me.

Moi says merci beaucoup to you Gerry!

1 comment:

  1. Marty, Marty, thanks for the pix! !

    Sure had a great time with this giveaway !

    Loved making the zip bag for you! ! !

    Am now thinking up the next.
    And I do expect to see your name in the draw.


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