This bi-weekly challenge just wore me out. Portals? Hmmmmmmm? I zoomed the camera around the house taking pictures of doorways and gates. But nothing really zapped my britches. So as usual, I went to the quilt closet. There it was right in my face....portals - bird house style. This picture looks nothing like the original quilt, but you can see the portal anyway. Can't you?
Oh, and my {echo} challenge partner,
Autumn, went mystical on me. Isn't this the most wonderful just draws you in. Autumn can take a picture and make it come to life.
Great bi-weekly challenge thanks to
Chrysti and
lovely rendition of portals
ReplyDeleteVery nice images. I especially enjoy that last one. I'm big on photographing (or is it digital imaging now) doors and windows. They always make you imagine what could be on the other side. My favorite place to capture doors and windows was in Venice.