A new handmade purse for the road!

As I said earlier in the week....I'll be leaving on a jet plane very early Friday morning and I'm already getting the jitters: no, not about flying, I love to fly....it's all about leaving my sewing machine behind for 10 days. How scary can that be? So, I've been frantically sewing up ideas. Like printing on fabric and sewing into a piece of wool....and there you have it - a new handmade purse for the road!


  1. What a lovely purse. :) Have a safe trip!

  2. Thanks Lois...I am so looking forward to seeing a lovely friend of mine who now lives in Washington State.

  3. OMGolly! I am from WA ST originally, Chehalis to be exact. Have a beautiful time ... it is a nicer place to VISIT, but a nice place to leave.

    Have a beautiful weekend ~
    TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon


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