Brown and Pink Quilts

With lots of Bernina sewing machine embroidery - here is the center medallion.

And then there was "at piece with time"


And there is another brown and pink quilt, but it's in the top of the closet and I can't find a picture of it!!! so I'll save that one for another day.....

But what to do with all those pink and brown  fabric scraps?  I started out making a little quilt, but that just wasn't working, so I scrapped that idea. 

Now I jump from my quilts photo storage folder to my miscellaneous sewing projects folder!
  I just added a pocket, neck strap and ties...lined it to hide all those seams and there you go...It's an apron and just my size.  HuMaN asked if it was for him since he's been doing a lot of cooking lately!
Do I need to spend more time in the kitchen?

I hope I'm finished with the pink and brown phase of my life.  Oh, but I do still have a zip lock bag of brown/pink scraps left...enough to make  a pot holder...or maybe a covered diary for my purse, or maybe...oh well! 


  1. Very nice. Yes, it is easy to get into color cycles. Once you get into it, it's hard to get out. But, while you are there you make such pretty things!

  2. I love pink and brown. Your quilts are just beautiful!


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