Chinese Checkers - an art quilt

The rules are pretty specific - take this piece of fabric and follow the rules.  The rules say we are to incorporate the fabric given us into a quilt based on the theme "Games People Play."   It's a North Louisiana Quilt Guild fabric challenge and I've thought about this challenge just about all year long and it has just left me baffled.  What game is out there that I could use this fabric in a quilt to exemplify??? I came up with in nada....that means, now that I'm down to the wire - we meet December 4 with our quilts in hand to meet the challenge - I decided I would let  some of my fabric "speak to me" as "they" say.  My quilt is almost finished....still have to stitch the binding on  and make the label.  To the ungamely out there....this is my idea of
Chinese Checkers!    I'll  proudly display mine among all the real quilted games next Saturday just as if I read the rules correctly (even though slightly misinterpreted).'s a game...and the rules say we should have fun with this fabric.


  1. It looks like fun. And, after all that fun you end up with a lovely quilt. :)

  2. I think it meets the challenge perfectly!

  3. A great quilt with a great name! I am so bad at those challenges - congrats for meeting it so well!


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