Spending Time

I've been spending time with Reflections Unfurling.  It's one of my newest blogs that has everything to do with my photography and photo manipulations.  Reflections are truly unfurling day-by-day as I continue in my quest to alter every single photo in my computer albums! 

Here's a little snippet of how I took a photo and came up with something totally unrelated just by cropping.  Some folks think I never sleep....they could be right.  Gotta go...it's time to go play again. 

Do you see the red pepper painting on the wall over Lil's left shoulder?  Well here it is again.  Sorry, Lil, I had to do it!


  1. Ah, yes, finding the "hidden interest" in am image. :) Nice one! :)

  2. I like the red peppers ! Makes a nice CD cover! LOL


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