Red Stripe Ticking Hot Pad - A Tutorial

I love making hot pads for the kitchen but really, truly dislike adding binding. For all those who agree with me that life should be blessed with a hot pad without a binding, well here it is.....a hot pad tutorial! And bless binding!

Gather your supplies and let's get sewing -
5" x 40" length of fabric. Sub cut into 8 - 5" x 5" squares
one 9 1/2 " square cotton batting
one 9 1/2" square heat resistant fabric (found at Hancock's, Joann's or a similar fabric store)

To make this red stripe ticking hot pad, take your 5" squares, turn the stripes in alternate directions, then sew together - 1/4" seam allowance - to make two 4-patches.  

Now, let's make the hanging tab.  Cut a strip of ticking 1 1/2" x 5 1/2" and fold in half lengthwise.  Press, then turn each side in toward the crease and press again.  

Now, fold in half again, press, then stitch close to edge.

Pin the tab like you see one corner with raw edge of tab on raw edge of the 4-patch. 


Now let's layer in this order -
Top 4-patch of hot pad....right side UP
Bottom  4-patch of hot pad.....right side DOWN
Heat resistant fabric.....right side UP

Pin to secure all four layers.

With 1/2" seam allowance, stitch around all sides, leaving 3"-4" to turn. Back stitch at start and stop.

Trim away excess fabric on edges and corners, then turn and either hand or machine stitch the opening closed. 

 Quilt as desired. Then there was two.  It's always easier to make two (or more) for yourself or to give as gifts.  Sew enjoy!


  1. You have started something, my friend.... I have made 35 large 9-patches today which will be turned into pot holders tomorrow. NOT that I would wait until 3 days before Christmas to work on gifts... NO, not ME! HAHA!! Thanks for posting.


  2. Happy stitching and a most special and happy holiday season. The recipients will love them - even if they are still hot from the sewing machine!

  3. Love them - searched on "ticking stripe" for some ideas and these came up (and I hate binding potholders).


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