A red stripe ticking project - my latest!

I have a folder on my computer labeled "Miscellaneous Sewing Projects" and it's chock full of pictures! Here is one I thought I would just pull out today.  Graphics Fairy has the most bountiful assortment of pictures to download and I grabbed this fish skeleton the other day.  After I finished making my hot pads, I used the remains of my red stripe ticking to complete the pillow.  The fish print is banded with a charcoal gray wool selvage!  Hey....never say never! 


  1. Neat project! So tell me, please... since I am in the boonies with no place to shop, WHERE do you FIND this red-striped ticking?


  2. Hi....Kat....I wish I could remember. I am out of it too. I looked at Hancock's the other day and it wasn't there - even though they had the blue ticking. I may have gotten it at the good ole' dreadful Walmart store. I just hate to go there 'til after the holidays are over and everyone is back to work and school. I'll let you know if I have an affirmative on your question. (Aren't I the verbose one today?)


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