Green Tree - A Journal Quilt

Two things:  First thing - my word of the year is FOCUS.   An intentional thought so I would give my best effort to control my flitting in and out, starting something, then something else, doing this, doing that, with no real focus on learning a technique to the limit or taking step 1, then step 2-3-4 before moving on to step 9!   Thus far in this new year, my word is totally failing me.   I'm not focusing on any one project or becoming a purist at anything to the max!  Oh, well.....

Second thing - 3 Creative Studios is hosting a journal quilt challenge this year and I'm joining in....kinda.  You see the first week of January was 3 weeks ago!  Here's my first journal quilt.  Perhaps I'll just do a journal quilt each month rather than each week.  Or, perhaps this will be my journal quilt for 2011.  I'm focused this morning just getting this blog post completed in a timely manner!!!!!  It's gonna be a fun year.

Green Tree - A Journal Quilt

I first focused on my bag of black scraps.  Started the raw-edge applique journal quilt with a black background, then layered with snips of black and ivory fabrics.  I just layered on whatever shape came out of the bag with no real plan....then the tree shapes started emerging.  That's when I decided the black and white scrap bag was too limiting - got tired of winter trees - and grabbed my bag of green scraps, found the perfect green tree - free motion quilted all the layers and the journey was complete!

Green Tree - A Journal Quilt

1 comment:

  1. Fun that you've joined the journal quilt challenge, me too. I hope you make more than just one quilt!
    This one seemed like fun for you!


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