I've changed my appearance!

More minimal....now that's an oxymoron if there is one!  I've been cleaning out closets and downsizing stuff for the past few months.  First step was to move his office out of my sewing/project room into a very seldom used guest bedroom.  We took a twin bed out, found him just the perfect desk and chair so he is loving his privacy.  Another perk to his being in there instead of in here is that he doesn't find yarn or thread or glue embedded with the electric bill!  

Next on the list is to give the master bedroom furniture new apparel.  The same curtains have been hanging on the windows and the matching duvet cover has draped the bed and the same rugs have been spread over the floor and the same slip covers have hidden the original chair upholstery for at least 12 years.   I've gotten my money's worth out of it all, but enough of a good thing!   I know I'm getting ahead of myself here 'cause  it will probably be at least a month before the makeover is complete. But,  I'm excited. 

To take my clean look even further, I decided to play with some of the free blogger templates to see how minimal I could become.  Really, really downsized the content of my sidebar.   Oh, I'm still following all of you who continue to inspire me with your projects and photos and words to live by, but I'm now doing it from my favorites bar.  Boy, is it a long list!  But, can a person have too many favorite people?  Never! 

Next, I think I'll go back to photoshop and take a wrinkle out of my forehead and reduce my chin skin a bit.  Hmmmm,  not sure it happens that cheaply, nice thought anyway! 


  1. I like it. Maybe this is the way to go. Not that I had a problem before, but this allows us to focus on what you are saying.

  2. Love the look - nice and simple and clean - lovely. I have been cleaning and purgeing and re-doing 13 year old decor too - seems like there's a bit of that going around! I just got Photoshop so I'll be sure to check out your other blog too.

  3. Yes, I like the new look, too. You have been so very busy!



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