February Color Palette Challenge - Iris

I didn't realize the iris had so many shades of blue! Oh, the beauty of Vicki's February color palette.....

I met the challenge with only two colors in the palette and kept it small - 8" x 10".  

But since the little iris eyes are only 1/2" x 3/4", I had to stay small! oops - do I see a typo in this picture??

Go see the array of art quilts on Three Creative Studios Flickr group


  1. But Marty, with all those absolutely LUSCIOUS shades of blue, how could you only pick one? I mean, this is BLUE we are talking about here... my #1 mostest favorite color of all!


  2. It's the only shade of blue I could find at the moment!

  3. The colors are just beautiful together. And, blue is my favorite color, too. I am drawn to photograph so much blue that I keep running out of it in my camera. ;)

  4. I really like this. It's simple and graphic and the colours are vibrant. Wonderful!

  5. I really like this. It's simple and graphic and the colours are vibrant. Wonderful!


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