Color Palette Challenge - March

Here is the color palette for March 15-April 15.  It was a challenge for me 'cause I don't normally keep purples and pinks, mauve or raspberry in my fabric stash.  So, with a stretch of the imagination -  not that I had to do a coleus, you understand -  I liked Vicki's picture surrounded by the color palette squares, so thought I would mimic her inspiration picture this month. So, here is my coleus in abstract,  also surrounded by the color palette!  Go here and join in the fun!

Coleus in Abstract - an art quilt


  1. Quite creative!!! beautiful use of the coleus colors.

  2. Well, for it not being one of your "favorite" palettes, you did a wonderful job with it! I LOVE what you've done!

  3. I really like this -- all the edges make it interesting. Great interpretation.

  4. Great colors for this time of year.

  5. Just thought I would pop in and see what you are up to. I love the colour palette challenge. Your project is lovely.

  6. I do love the small square off set by all the rest! Nicely done.


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