Quilt - a work-in-progress

Some folks just won't let well enough alone.   Miss Inquisitive Val inquired as to the progress of my journal quilt #9!  Well, I had to admit to her that I've started another project and the journal quilt has been pushed to the back burner, but only for the moment. 

Here is my inspiration photo - a vintage quilt - taken at a recent antiques' show here in town.  That image kept popping in and out of my head until I finally dug into my fabric for some look-alikes.  I did find two strips of red corduroy and a little piece of soft yellow that I liked.  Unfortunately it wasn't enough to give me the size I wanted.....so I kept digging and found the yellow-ish-mustard color fabric.  The photo doesn't do it justice - it really looks great mixed in with the soft yellow.  I've only finished the top three rows, so don't look at the unruly stuff below!  Only 12 more rows to go!  More later. 

Those little 1" strips are a bug-a-roo to sew in! 


  1. Is bug-a-roo a technical term? What ever you are doing it is turning out great:)

  2. This looks great! Those little white strips might be a pain, but they really add a lot to the design.

  3. Glad the bug-a-boos belong to you! Seriously, it's lovely. I can see why the antique quilt inspires you. Good luck!


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