Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm - or did I say oooops!

I once heard Nancy - of  Nancy's Notions - declare that she changed her sewing machine needle at the start of every new project!  And, then I've heard of some who change the needle every year or so!  Since I'm not sponsored by a needle company, nor am I poverty stricken -  I take the stand that it's time to change the needle when it breaks....and....well.....folks, that would be today. 

You see, when I finished putting the cording on the little linen pillow yesterday, I didn't replace the zipper foot with my straight stitching foot.  And, for the totally uninformed, the zipper foot requires that the needle position be moved either to the left or the right of the foot.  So, when I turned my machine on this morning the needle was in it's usual place - that would be in the center! And there is nothing but steel in the middle of the zipper foot.   Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm, I mean oops!  

Now the fresh needle and I can get on with the day!


  1. Don't feel bad....I've had many blunders like that too.

  2. I broke THREE needles on a handbag project that I finished last week.

  3. Been there, done that, STILL do that occasionally! The little pillows are absolutely gorgeous!!


  4. Ah, yes, it happens even to the best. Interesting image, too.

  5. Yep, been there, done that.
    I try to remember to remove that zipper foot as I turn off my machine for the day.
    Love you little pillow ♥

  6. Oh, I hate when that happens. I do it all the time. And, for some reason, those broken ends always head straight for my eyes!


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