Pickled Beets ~ A Recipe

Homemade pickled beets - hard to beet beat!  Here's the recipe:

Remove green stems from beets, wash and cover with water and boil.  They should be cooked through but not mushy.  To the firm side is best.  Slip skins off and slice into quarter-inch rounds.
Pack into a jar.
Heat one cup white or cider vinegar, one cup water and a quarter cup sugar and pour over beets.
Seal jar and cool at room temperature then refrigerate. 
Will keep for several months; however, mine don't last that long! 


  1. I love beets, especially pickled. Have you ever tried pickled beet eggs? Really good.

  2. Oh, yum! I just love beets. It's funny that my Mom always told me that if I ate my beets, my hair would stay red. ;) I miss her.

  3. I do love beets too! Nummy and a great photo too!


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