What I love about spring.....sunshine in the garden

On A Warm Day


  1. I could not agree more Marty!
    It is supposed to rain here ALL week, and it's much cooler than I would like, but I am hoping that after this, things may change a bit.

    Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful photograph (and thought!) today at The Creative Exchange.

    Have a wonderful day.


  2. Absolutely! And all those colours that come about with the sun! This is such a wonderful green!

  3. What a lovely, sunshiny photo to see on a dreary, cold, rainy day here! I needed that!

  4. Yes it really looks lovely.

    I live in a tropical island so we have sunshine all the time! At present it is boiling us at 36 degrees centigrade and going higher. ;-(

  5. What a gorgeous capture!! You blog is great - so glad I found you!

  6. The contrast between the carved sconce and the leaf is lovely. Spring has definitely sprung and I'm lovin' it!


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