The Cure

I know I told you yesterday that I had a quilt in my head....while that wasn't exactly true, once I started pulling fabrics a simple design began to emerge. 

Do I call this The Cure....The Naked Truth......The Last Waltz.....Lady, I've Heart that Tune Before?  You see, I have a few (?) fabrics that I no longer want in my stash!  So, here was my plan.....

(1)  Pull all no longer desired fabrics
(2)  Sort by light and dark
(3) Cut into 5" squares...or 4" or 6" - whatever the size, all  should be cut the same.
(4) Lay a light on top of a dark.......draw a diagonal line corner to corner, then sew a scant 1/4" on each side of the drawn line.  Cut on the drawn line.  Square each and voila, you now have a half-square triange.

I've decided to take the easy way out and arrange my blocks in this fashion.  The half-square design possibilities are endless, however.  This one is well on its way to becoming a charity quilt to (hopefully) make someone have a brighter day! 


  1. I envy your ability to match the corners and points in quilting. I just finished a checker board for my soon to be seven yr old grandson in fabric and it is just artsy as it does not match up and is not a perfect square finished!
    Oh well.

  2. It's amazing what beauty lies in our stash boxes, bags, and drawers, isn't it! Very nice. :)


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