Easy 3-fabric quilt pattern

I awoke last night to the sound of thunder, a rare phenomena in these parts of the country in the hot, hot summertime!  Since the pitter patter of raindrops was so restful, I slept in but awoke again thinking of quilts so went searching through my fabric bin and found four fabrics I purchased when last at the Paducah quilt show (stop to catch my breath) with limited quantity and no desire to search the market for more of the same, my friend Dorothy shared this pattern with me....a pattern made available free to her when she last visited the Bernina sewing center, Plano, Texas

Now that all that is said, here is the pattern and my disclaimer because I know my picture is showing four fabrics. The brown/pink will be block No 1.  The green/pink will be block No. 2 and the outside border.  Green/brown will be first narrow border and the small print brown/green will be the rails.

This truly is a 3-fabric quilt....the pattern tells me to use the same fabric for block No. 1 and the outside border and the same fabric for  block No. 2 and the inner border but I thought my fabric design was too large for such a small inner border so I added the fourth coordinating fabric.   The thing about quilt patterns (especially free ones) are that they are so adaptable.  And the thing about having fabric on hand and no desire to buy more is to adapt what you have to the pattern on hand! 
Oh, blessed rain - hugs to all this Saturday morning!   

UpDateFinished and ready for the quilting.  I'm excited about the way it turned out.


  1. Hi Marty, Love these fabrics. Can't wait to see the finished quilt

  2. Love these fabrics Marty.
    Love the pattern too!

  3. Can you post measurements for the pattern?

    1. I am so sorry, but after searching everywhere, I cannot locate this pattern. It was given to me by a friend and I probably gave it back to her. As you can see from the pictures, it is a square surrounded by two rectangle blocks so I should think any size would work. For instance, if you choose an 8-inch square, then one 8" x 2 1/2" and one 10" x 2 1/2 rectangle would work well for each of your blocks. Hope this helps.

  4. what is this block called?


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