My Turning Twenty: Just Got Better!

In my quest to find even more possibilities for using half-square triangles ~ I found Tricia Cribbs Turning Twenty updated version - it all just got better! The original turning twenty block is still there; however, once that block is made, then you draw the diagonal line through the center, sew 1/4" on either side of the line, cut on the line!'s now a half-square triangle block. I chose to do this one in dark and light fabric for diagonal contrast. And I could find no better way to use these big prints: 

It's not quilted yet, but!  look at the statement it makes draped on my patio table! 

There's a madness to my method!  of making yardage for a quilt back.  I measure the quilt top, add a few inches, then multiply the width by the length.  For instance, this quilt top is 70" x 84".  I decided to make the backing 75" x 90"....good round numbers.   Multiply w x l =  6,750 sq inches!  Now, the madness comes into play.  I don't have a single fabric that even  begins to qualify as large enough so I must - therefore - make yardage.  I gather all the fabric left from the quilt top...add more coordinating fabric from my stash, measure and multiply - until I get 6,750 sq inches....and then some. 

Draft a paper road map....then sew up.  I now have approximately 6 yards of fabric all used up and this baby is ready to go to one of my favorite long-arm quilters!

Hope your days are as fun-filled as mine: 


  1. Marty, these color combinations are beautiful!!

  2. Wow!!! What a beautiful quilt (when all is said and sewn and done).

  3. I l-o-v-e your quilt! Wow! Great color and fabric choices. It's so colorful and cheerful. I've been wanting to make one of these quilts for awhile and am thinking I had better get to it! :)


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