It started sometime last year.....

on our way thursday morning to spend thanksgiving with family....i pulled 'the art of fabric books' by jan bode smiley from my book shelf  to journey with me....and while thumbing the pages, found a tag book by kristin 62...(you may rearrange this sentence to your heart's delight).....

i've been making watercolor book tags for quite a while and was really inspired by kristi's handmade fabric yesterday i started painting again.....this time on tyvek.  i used the tyvek  to make my sleeves to insert the tags.  it's been a journey this morning!  and i'm not there yet: 

but here is a sampling of  watercolor book tags -  8 or 9 will be self-contained upon completion. 

here's a thought.....if you worked your wednesday day job, had a thursday holiday, back to day job friday, then that means  this is your second saturday of the week.  enjoy.....

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