The Little Red Hat

Was it just Monday that Dorothy called!  But before I let her off the phone, I said to her 'Bet you can't guess what I'm doing' 

She was kind and didn't say 'No - and I don't care'

She just sweetly said, 'No, I can't guess, but I'll bet it's something fun.'

And here it is Wednesday and I've finished! Making my red hat!

I received an early Christmas gift (and it was meant to be opened early) and inside the wrapping was a hat pattern.  Now I've never made a hat.....well, I have the knit kind.....but never a hat hat...The pre-requisite to making the hat was that the maker had to be an intermediate level milliner. 

I was thinking about my milliner talents....all the time gathering my fabric, lining, interfacing, scissors, tape measure.  By this time I knew I had the know-how:  I can machine and hand sew.  I know what the straight of grain is.  I know all about scissors and rulers and needles and thread.  I'm surely an intermediate level milliner.  

Imagine and dream and don't let little things slow you down!
More pictures and musings at Reflections Unfurling


  1. Guess that shows - just sit down and do it.
    Hopefully my mindset will take this lesson to heart
    and I'll given a few projects a try.


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