
A friend asked me a while ago what happened to my daily diary blog.  I was puzzled and told her it was the same one I always had....but she said it was different now.  Got me thinking.  In my quest to add more pictures, I forgot to include a transcript. 

HuMan says I'm obsessing over this demonstration I'm scheduled to give at the guild's quilt show in February. I obsess?  Hmmmmmmmmmm looking back I can see that many recent past blogs have pictured half-square triangle blocks or quilts.  But don't you see, I need lots of examples to show the good folks that may come see my demo.  Well, I do...don't I? 

I have several quilts in the closet - ready and waiting....One I have to take off my den wall and dust off a bit....two in the hands of long-arm quilter friends of mine....two ready for me to do the quilting on the design wall, piecing almost finished ....and a picture of one more in my head!  And I haven't even mentioned the numerous sample blocks using HSTs that I've put together....Now, who could possibly think I'm obsessive! 

So, yesterday, we took a break and worked in the yard - and it is looking so worked in.

HuMan has been scouring the streets for bags of leaves and pine straw!  Some folks throw away - he gathers to use as mulch and weed-inhibitors in our/his flower beds.  Only after he gathers as much as possible does he go out and actually spend money on bales of pine straw.  He uses the newly purchased 'clean' stuff to  thinly fluff over all the leaves to make a perfect presentation for the passers by!  He counted - almost 100 bags of leaves and pine straw!  Now, who is obsessing? 

And here/there is/are more


  1. Love the Star using half square triangles. Like the idea of leaves and pine straw to mulch your beds.

  2. Mulch your flower beds that is.


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