Fix it with Paint ~

Divide and Conquer, a war strategy that dates back way before my time, but one I often use in sewing when my success ratio begins to falter.....this means I take the quilt or quilt block I'm unhappy with, cut it into pieces then re-sew.  Amazing what this technique will do.  Since this is not really the topic of this blog, I have no pictures available!

Another often used strategy is the one I call the  if it doesn't work, just add paint in these dish towels. 

From the beginning:  I found these over sized flour sack dish towels while last at Sur la table in Seattle.
I took this great picture of my purchase, then took the rotary cutter and cut each one in half and hemmed the raw edges.  I did this because they were too large for my project!  I next took snippets of fabric and using raw-edge applique technique sewed them to the bottom of each dish towel.

I looked at these for several days and with each glance, became more disenchanted with my dish towels......they were suppose to be so french country but looked more like blah!

This morning, determined that I couldn't go wrong with paint, I gathered my supplies and then did a dry run on a piece of muslin. 

I'm smiling.....You see, I just grabbed a piece of cardboard out of the trash, punched random holes in it, stenciled in red, then topped with orange paint, added circles rectangles triangles and flowers with my china marker.  Now they are more to my liking.  This is the whimsey that I thrive on ~


  1. I love what you did with the towels!

  2. Very nice! It's such fun to experiment and come up with something so cool.


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